ArtMagazine “Bettina” 2024

Magazine for Arts, Culture and International Dialogue

Dear friends of art, dear readers,


150 years ago, the first Impressionist exhibition took place in the Paris studio of the great photographer Nadar (1820-1910). Plein-air painting began its triumphal march. Artists are still committed to this revolution in painting today. Impressionism was the most important inspiration for the painters of our Solingen Artists' Colony "Black House".


For the Bettina Heinen-Ayech Foundation, the inclusion in - Impressionisms Routes - in 2023 was therefore an important milestone. In the same year, the foundation was also able to join the European Association of Artists' Colonies (euroart) as a Partner Member. These prestigious awards are an honour for us, but also an obligation. We are therefore dedicating this issue of our magazine to these two institutions and the anniversary year of Impressionism.


Some articles are also dedicated to our activities since the publication of our last magazine. We hope you enjoy reading this issue.


Dr. Haroun Ayech Miriam Unland

You can order the magazine for art, culture and international dialog Bettina at: mail@bettina-heinen-ayech-foundation,com at a price of 10 € plus 2 € shipping.


ArtMagazine “Bettina” 2023

Magazine for Arts, Culture and International Dialogue

Dear friends of art, dear readers,


It is with great pleasure that we present to you today the first issue of issue of 'Bettina' - a magazine for art, culture and international dialogue. It is the successor to the Mitteilungen des Freundeskreises Erwin Bowien e. V. and will replace it. We are therefore starting with number 36. The reason for this change is that the Freundeskreis Erwin Bowien e. V. is being integrated into the Bettina Heinen-Ayech Foundation.


Our first Bettina magazine special is dedicated to the ‘Bettina Heinen-Ayech Foundation - Foundation for Art, Culture and International Dialogue’. It was established at the beginning of the year and is a charitable foundation dedicated to the legacy of the protagonists of the ‘Black House’ Artists' Colony in Solingen. The main aim of the foundation is to preserve and present the artistic work of the protagonists of the artists' colony, Bettina Heinen-Ayech, Erwin Bowien, Hanns Heinen, Amud Uwe Millies and Erna Heinen-Steinhoff, for future generations and to fulfil Bettina and Bowien's desire - especially in this day and age - to promote international dialogue between peoples and cultures through the medium of art.


For many years, citizens with an interest in art have also wanted a museum that presents the history of this unique Artists' Colony. This issue reports on the status, plans and activities relating to this museum project.


We would also like to introduce you to some of the places where the protagonists of the Artists' Colony had a particular influence on their careers. As we can only present a few places of activity, it was very difficult for us to make a selection. These are: the city of Solingen, Weil am Rhein, Egmond a.d. Hoef near Alkmaar, Orselina in Ticino, Sandnessjøen on the island of Alsten, the French metropolis of Paris, the communities of Kreuztal-Eisenbach in the Allgäu and Klappholttal on Sylt, as well as the city of Guelma in Algeria. Other places, such as Biskra, Neuchâtel and Hannoversch Münden, will be featured in future issues of our magazine 'Bettina'.


Dr. Haroun Ayech Miriam Unland

You can order the magazine for art, culture and international dialog Bettina at: mail@bettina-heinen-ayech-foundation,com at a price of 10 € plus 2 € shipping.



Dr. Haroun Ayech
Vorsitzender des Vorstands
+49 (0) 151 42 22 11 42


Neuenkamperstrasse 163

42657 Solingen

Donation Account

IBAN: DE64 3006 0601 0047 7253 34
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Protagonisten der Künstlerkolonie